Low Carb sweet chilli
omelette wrap

Makes 1 Omelette Wrap


2 eggs 
¼ cup cheese, grated 
1 Farrah’s Low Carb Sweet Chilli Wrap
Handful baby spinach leaves 
Chopped crispy bacon 
Crumbled feta 
Salt and pepper 


  1. In a bowl, lightly beat 2 eggs. Season with salt and pepper.   

  2. Heat a nonstick pan to a medium heat. Pour in eggs and sprinkle with grated cheese. Cook for about 30 seconds, then top with a Farrah’s Low Carb Sweet Chilli Wrap.  

  3. Flip over then top with baby spinach leaves, bacon, and feta.  

  4. Carefully fold in half to enclose filling, then slide out onto a serving plate. 

  5. If desired, serve with tangy relish on the side. 

  • Remember, there are no rules with your Farrah's Low Carb Sweet Chilli Wraps - the omelette filling possibilities are endless !