Low Carb sweet chilli
tuna melt

Makes 2


2 Farrah’s Low Carb Sweet Chilli Wraps 
1 small tin smoked tuna, drained
½ cup mozzarella cheese, grated
½ small red onion, diced
¼ cup pickles, finely chopped
¼ cup mayonnaise 
Squeeze of lemon juice 
Fresh parsley, chopped 


  1. Pre-heat toastie or sandwich press (or a shallow frypan). 

  2. In a bowl, mix tuna, cheese, pickles, red onion, mayo, lemon juice, and parsley together.

  3. Divide the tuna mixture in half and spread over half of each wrap, then fold over to enclose filling.

  4. Oil spray or lightly butter your press or pan and slide the wrap on. Toast for 2-3 minutes each side until golden and the cheese is gooey and melting.  

  • Remember, there are no rules with your Farrah's Low Carb Sweet Chilli Wraps - a simple cheesy quesadilla would be just as tasty!